If you are out of work or in a low paid job you may be entitled to claim Free School Meals for your child(ren). This can be confusing because ALL children in Reception to Year 2 get Universal Free School Meals. Even if your child is in Reception to Year 2 it is important that you claim this, as this will also give you access to the Supermarket vouchers that are issued due to COVID closures. As a school it helps us if people who are entitled to claim do claim as a lot of statistics are based around these figures
To see if you are eligible please register here. Fill in the online form and you will be told whether or not you qualify (the checking process can take a few days).
If you are out of work or in a low paid job you may be entitled to the uniform grant which runs alongside the Free School Meals.
If you have older children who receive Free School Meals you should be entitled to receive a uniform grant for the younger children as well but you will need to add them onto your claim, not not all children are entitled to the uniform grant.
To see if you are eligible please register here. Fill in the online form and you will be told whether or not you qualify (the checking process can take a few days).
Please click here to see our school uniform information and prices.