We have a very popular Breakfast Club which we are delighted to be able to offer for free due to funding from the Greggs Foundation Breakfast Club scheme. Your child will be able to enjoy various activities and breakfast including fruit juice, cereal, yogurts and toast with various toppings and a choice of fresh fruit. A ‘special’ breakfast is served on the last day of every term.
You need to register for Breakfast Club the week before, please telephone the main office 01900 874000. The hall door is open from 7:50-8:10am every morning.
After School Club runs from 3.15-4.15 Children get a wide range of activities and snack and the cost is £2 per day.
You need to register for After School Club the week before, please book via Dojo, email or at the school office by 3pm Friday no bookings are taken over the phone.