A Battle of the Bands is a fun way to get two groups of players competing against each other! Whilst school is closed, Mrs Ritson will set different challenges and battles. Class members can play in any game type and at the end of the week’s battle, the class with the most correct answers are the winners!



This week’s Battle starts Friday 24th April 9am and ends Friday 1st May 3pm.

The winning classes and most valuable players will be announced the week beginning Monday 4th May! Look out on the website page for the winners’ and their certificates!

This week’s battles are

Ash Girls vs Ash Boys

Beech Boys vs Beech Girls

Elm Boys vs Elm Girls

Oak Girls vs Oak Boys           

Good Luck Everyone!


To access TT Rockstars please click the logo below



To help your child with their maths (including times tables) please visit their class pages below







The battle that ended on Tuesday 21st April

Click on the images to enlarge and see if your child has a certificate this week

Beech vs Oak


Ash vs Elm


The battle that ended on Friday 3rd April

Unfortunately our last battle did not register the Ash vs Elm battle – so we have decided to have a rematch! The Beech vs Oak battle was a landslide victory for Beech class. Well done Beech! A special mention to Aisha and Bobby who both contributed greatly for the Beech overall score!


The battle that ended on Friday 20th March

Click on the images to enlarge and see if your child has a certificate this week

Ash vs Beech


Elm vs Oak


Battle ended on Tuesday 21st April

Click on the images to enlarge

Beech vs Oak


Ash vs Elm

Battle ended on Friday 3rd April

As the last battle did not register there is no leaderboard for this week. The battle will repeat so check back next week to see the results.



Battle ended on Friday 20th March

Click on the images to enlarge

Ash vs Beech 


Elm vs Oak