Dojo is used for Years 1-6. Here you will be able to see photos of what is happening in school as well as keeping up to date with important events and information in the school and your child's class. You will also be able to send & receive messages to your child's teacher, and comment on posts.


Tapestry is used for EYFS. Keep up to date with and share your child's learning from home, all through your smartphone or tablet. 


In the event or students self-isolating, bubbles bursting or school closures we will use Seesaw. This is an app that the teachers will be using to send work home, your child can complete the activities and send them to their teacher. Check your school texts for login details.


We now have an app, where you can check the school calendar, read newsletters, view photographs and receive notifications directly to your phone. Please ensure you have signed up to this so that you do not miss important announcements.



As we have a new meals provider we are asking all parents to only use our e-payment method to pay for dinner money. This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay. You will need an activation username and password to do this, which you can obtain from the office. There is not currently an app for ParentPay, but you can save a shortcut to your phone desktop.