Westfield Nursery & Primary School supports a wide range of children, including those with additional and special needs. For some children these needs are on going, for others they are short term. Whilst a small number of children join our school with clearly identified needs, other children's needs emerge as they grow older and we seek to develop a deeper understanding of their needs.

At Westfield Nursery & Primary School, all children receive quality first teaching where lessons are designed to meet the needs of all pupils. Ensuring a love of learning, feeling success and developing confidence in their abilities in our aim for all our children, particularly those with SEND.

Building confidence in our learners and moving them forward, maximising their potential in every way possible. All staff are responsible for regular, robust monitoring of children's progress, both academically and emotionally. Through close communication with parents and Senior Leadership, we are able to target our support in a range of ways, individually tailored to a child's needs. This can be delivered through quality first teaching, additional in class support, small group or one-to-one intervention support.

Westfield Nursery & Primary School work closely with outside agencies to provide support for our children and families. We value the links with Speech and Language Service, the Multi Agency Support Team, Learning Support and Educational Psychologists. These services provide advice and assessment when needed but also the reassurance to parents and carers that school is catering for vulnerable pupils. The Multi Agency Support Team (MAST) can provide a wide range of services for our children and families and when required can provide support outside school.

We have a great deal of support from our staff and parents which we value on a daily basis. Here at Westfield Nursery & Primary School all staff are dedicated to providing all children with quality teaching and provision in order for them to be successful learners regardless of ability.

We have a dedicated Inclusion Team who are senior leaders in our school who, working closely with the Executive Headteacher, ensure all children have the very best opportunities and access to the curriculum. Working together in this way we can support children and families in a variety of ways including safeguarding, attendance, SEND and health referrals. As all of these areas have a big impact on children's learning, we feel it is important to work with parents to support them and their children wherever possible.


What is a SEND Register? This is a list of all the pupils in the school who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or a disability, who require additional or significantly different support to that of their peers.  This makes it easier for the SENCo and staff to monitor those pupils who need extra help.

Why is my child on the SEND Register? Any pupil on the SEND register has been identified as having a special educational need and/or disability.  Extra help will be given to these pupils to help them to make progress.

What does this mean for my child? If your child is placed on the SEND Register, then they will start to receive extra help.  This will be set out on an individual plan so that you can see what help your child is receiving and how often.

Will my child always be on the SEND Register? This can vary.  Some pupils with significant needs will always be on the SEND Register because they will always need help.  Other pupils may only need help for a short amount of time and if they no longer need any help, then they will be removed from the SEND Register in discussion with parents/carers.



Education, Health and Care Plan

EHCPs cover from birth to age 25 and extend the rights to young people in further education and training, including apprenticeships, who currently have a Learning Disability Assessment (LDA).  You can ask Cumbria County Council to carry out an assessment if you think your child needs an EHC plan. 


The Local offer

The Local Offer aims to pull information about available services into one place and make it clear and accessible for you and your family.  A Local Offer gives children and young people with SEND and their families information about what support services the local authority thinks will be available in their local area. 


The Children's Centre - Workington

The day to day management and provision of service delivery across Workington Children’s Centres is the responsibility of Family Action as part of the Early Help and Outreach contract which was awarded by Cumbria County Council in January 2020.  Through this contract Family Action's Children’s Centres in Allerdale provide Early Help and Outreach services for families with children up to the age of 12 years old.


West Cumbria Carers

West Cumbria Carers provides support to carers who look after a family member, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without their help. The organisation provides services to carers in the districts of Allerdale and Copeland in the county of Cumbria.

Children & Young People at West House

West House are Cumbria’s leading care and support provider for adults and children with disabilities. By providing individual, genuine and caring support, they enable all those in their care to lead a fulfilling, happy life in a homely environment.



 Autism Support Allerdale & Copeland

They are a friendly bunch and support each other through the good times and the bad, they have the empathy and the understanding of what it is like with a child with Autism. This is where you can off load, without feeling you are being judged, get tips and ideas from other parents in the same situation, it helps you feel you're not on your alone! 



Bee Unique

The purpose of Bee Unique is to relieve the needs of those diagnosed with Autism and those who are currently engaged in the medical diagnosis of Autism and their immediate families and carers in England in particular, but not exclusively, by the provision of support and recreational activities. 



I CAAN is a group of volunteers that organise activities for people with autism and their families in Allerdale and Copeland. I CAAN is totally run by volunteers, many of whom are parents of children with autism.


ADHD West Cumbria

ADHS West Cumbria are a non-profit voluntary support group. The group was established by parents of children with ADHD/ADD, associated conditions and Special Needs. The aim of the group is to provide help and support to anyone affected by ADHD/ADD and associated conditions.


Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA)

Offer advice and guidance to parents with a child who has a special educational need.   


Family Fund

Family Fund are the UK's largest grant-giving organisation helping low-income families caring for children and young people with disabilities or serious illnesses. 



OpenDyslexic is a typeface designed to make reading easier for some symptoms of dyslexia. It is a free resource and can be used for personal or professional use.  



Cerebra is the national charity helping children with brain conditions and their families discover a better life together. they also have a free guide for completing DLA forms which you can download here.



Contact are a charity for families with disabled children. They support families with the best possible guidance and information, bring families together to support each other, and help families to campaign, volunteer and fundraise to improve life for themselves and others.