Our school attendance target is to be above 96%

Attendance At Westfield Nursery and Primary School we strive to promote good attendance by actively encouraging the development of a positive, stimulated school environment where children, parents and carers feel welcome, safe and secure and where their individual needs are catered for.

Punctuality: For children in EYFS drop off time is 8:35am and 3:15pm for collection. Children in KS1 and KS2 will be collected from the yard at 8:40am and finish at 3:20pm Children arriving after 8:50am will be marked as late. Register closes at 9:20am children will be marked as unauthorised after this time. 

Absence Parents/carers are asked to notify school before 8:45am if their child is going to be absent. If a child is absent without a reason, parent/carer will be notified by text or telephone. Alternatively, if a child is absent from school and we are unable to make contact with the parent/carer a home visit will be carried out to determine the whereabouts of the child. If we are unable to locate a child this will then become a police matter. For more information on our first day procedures, please see out schools attendance policy. 

Children who attend school regularly are more likely to:

  • Achieve better grades than children with poor attendance.
  • Achieve greater amounts of progress.
  • Have a better understanding of the world around them.
  • Become more resilient.

What is unauthorised absence? Only the Headteacher can decide if the reason given for absence is acceptable. If the Headteacher decides that the reason given for absence is unacceptable, the child will be deemed as unauthorised and maybe passed to the access and inclusion team.

Reporting A child’s attendance record is published in the end of year report to parents and request of staff and relevant outside agencies at various times throughout the year.

Attendance is also closely monitored by the Governing Body and shared with the local authority. 




Mrs Sanderson

SEND Inclusion Lead


Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy 



2024.2025 final.pdf .pdf


There are 190 days in a school year, which leaves 175 days to spend on family time, shopping, appointments etc.

Every Monday we announce on Dojo the highest EYFS/KS1 class and the highest KS2 class where they are awarded with a non-uniform day the following Friday. 


If your child is unable to attend school through illness please call school each morning 01900 874000 Option 1 and leave a message to let us know why your child is absent. Children do get short illnesses such as bugs and colds so there will be occasional dips in attendance, however we expect it to rise again and not continue on a downward trend.

If you do not make contact with the school to inform us of your child's absence we will follow our procedure outlined above in order to safeguard your child and yourself. More information can be found in the policies section of this page and also on our safeguarding page.

Below is a guide on whether to keep your child home from school, and if applicable the number of days, for more detailed information please visit Guidance on Infection Control In Schools